America has only had forty-four presidents. That's not many when you consider English kings, French kings, Egyptian pharaohs, Roman emperors, and Catholic Popes. But this is an experiment I have wanted to try for some time. Below are five groups of pictures: Revolutionary, Westward Expansion, Civil War, Gilded Age, and 20th Century. Some of the men in these pictures were presidents, some were not. Can you recognize our nation's leaders? (I obviously can't take the test with y'all, but I realized today that I could not recognize all the presidents.) I'll post the answers tomorrow.

Three of these men were president. Which three? To play along, put the number of the picture, along with his name, in the comments. Bonus points for identifying the non-presidential gentlemen. And no cheating!
To keep any one post from being ridiculously long, I'm going to break this up into five different posts. All will be posted tonight, so just stay tuned. I'll only post the first and last links on Facebook.
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