12 March 2012

On my honor, I will try....

Although the only contact I have with the Girl Scouts of America these days is binging on Thin Mints, I devoted a pretty good portion of my childhood to earning badges. Badges that never got sewn on to my vest, by the way. I was a lousy Girl Scout. It was there that I discovered the fact that I am allergic to most of the natural world, I am terrible at painting, even worse at beading, I can't sew, I don't like animals all that much, Kool-Aid without sugar is terrible, I hate trying to sell things to people, and the nicest thing my secret pal could say about me was that her cat was named Callie too.

But, I loved being a Girl Scout. I still remember the oath, and all the various songs and rhymes we learned. I also remember my first badge. I'm pretty sure it was Jazzercise.

So happy 100th birthday, Girl Scouts! Today we raise three fingers in salute to you and the difference you've made in the lives of countless young women. Here's to many more years of making an impact, and even more years of making the best damn cookies on the planet.

     I will do my BEST to be            HONEST and FAIR,

         FRIENDLY and HELPFUL,             CONSIDERATE and CARING,

COURAGEOUS and STRONG, and      RESPONSIBLE for what I say and do,

                    And to                                    RESPECT myself and others,

                RESPECT authority,                   use RESOURCES wisely,

    make the world a BETTER PLACE,          

and be a SISTER to every GIRL SCOUT.

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