06 September 2011

Ta da! The answers to last night's puzzle.

Alright, y'all, I think I owe you some answers.

In the Founding Fathers section, from left to right, the answers are as follows: 

John Adams (2nd president)
Patrick Henry ("Give me liberty or give me death!")
Thomas Jefferson (3rd president) 
John Hancock (Huge signature on the Declaration)
Thomas Paine ("Common Sense")
James Madison (4th president) 
James Monroe (5th president)
Alexander Hamilton (1st Secretary of the Treasury)

Westward, Ho section:
William Henry Harrison (9th president)
Dewitt Clinton (Governor of NY, built Erie Canal)
Millard Fillmore (13th president)
John Tyler (10th president) 
John C. Calhoun (Speaker of the House, from SC)
Martin van Buren (8th president) 
James Polk (11th president) 
Henry Clay (Senate leader, VP)
Zachary Taylor (12th president) 
Meriwether Lewis (one explorer of Louisiana Territory) 
William Clark (other LA Territory explorer) 
Winfield Scott (Mexican War General)
John Quincy Adams (6th president)

Civil War section:
Franklin Pierce (14th president) 
P.G.T. Beauregard (CSA General, took Ft. Sumter)
Charles Sumner (Caned in Senate Chamber) 
Andrew Johnson (17th president)
Ulysses S. Grant (18th president)
Jefferson Davis (Confederate President) 
Abner Doubleday (Inventor of baseball)
Nathan Bedford Forrest (CSA General and founder of the KKK)

Gilded Age section: 
Rutherford B. Hayes (19th president)
William Jennings Bryan (Cross of Gold speech)
William McKinley (25th president)
Benjamin Harrison (23rd president)
Grover Cleveland (22nd & 24th president)
Alexander Graham Bell (inventor of the telephone) 
John D. Rockefeller (Robber Baron)
Chester A. Arthur (21st president)
William H. Taft (27th president)
Andrew Carnegie (Robber Baron)
Thomas Edison (Inventor of the lightbulb) and
James Garfield (20th president)

20th Century section:
Clarence Darrow (lawyer at the Scopes Trial)
Eugene V. Debs (Socialist, most runs for president)
Warren G. Harding (29th president)
Calvin Coolidge (30th president)
J. Edgar Hoover (FBI director)
Robert La Follette (Wisconsin governor & Progressive reformer)
Woodrow Wilson (28th president)
Herbert Hoover (31st president)

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