21 September 2011

Announcement for all you antique lovers!

Howdy, all! I hope the week is treating you well.

First off, I want to tell you about some little tidbits I've come across at the Preservation Society. Though a good portion of my work consists of stuffing envelopes (a necessary evil when running a nonprofit, unfortunately), I get a good bit of access to the files and other resources.

I've come across some 1920s yearbooks from Tuscaloosa High School (now the City Board of Education) I've found an 1893 University yearbook (once upon a time UA had a Kazoo Club and a Tobacco Club). Yes, the club was devoted solely to the art of chewing and smoking tobacco. Roll Tide. I found original copies of commencement addresses given by Alva Woods in 1836 and 1837. The 1911 County Fair guide was a highlight of what I've found thus far. There were lots of competitions, including an "Old Lady Division." (Their words, not mine!) Some of the prizes included: one half-ton of coal, four meals at the McLester Hotel, a pocket watch, a suit of clothes, among other awesome things.

But the gem of my collection of anecdotes comes from an 1881 edition of the Tuscaloosa News. A bridal party was waiting for the squire to arrive to perform the ceremony when the excused himself and ran away. The bride proposed to the groomsman on the spot; he accepted and they were married within the hour.

Now on to my announcement. Well, series of announcements. First of all, if anyone wants to make a trip to Skyland Antiques soon, I would love to have a small group go together. It's always more fun in a group.

Secondly, Tannehill Trade Days are held the third weekend of each month, March through November. I will for sure be going to the one in October. The weather is always fantastic, it's a fascinating historical site, and a GREAT place to get vintage and antique goods. It's better than an antique shop because you can haggle and get great deals. I would love to have company, so if you're interested, let me know.

Finally, I'm on the mailing list for Skyland Antiques. When they conduct an estate sale, I get an email. I'll paste the message below.

Sept. 22, 23, 24
Thur.9 till 4 - Fri 9 till 4 - Sat 9 till 2
Hickory Lane off Hargrove or Kicker signs posted
Tuscaloosa AL

Contents of attic, house, basement – Plan to stay awhile – this house is packed, mahogany dining room suite, mahogany bedroom suite, freezer, ping pong table, linens, old tools, pottery, retro dining suite, table and chairs, lots of kitchen items,  Perry’s Pride advertising clock, rare Perry’s Pride soda jerk bib apron, vintage Christmas items, Angel collection, Fire King, vintage baby items, sofa and chair, wing back chairs, Delview bottles, Hull, Shawnee, Mccoy, Oak Ridge Dairy bottle Northport Al., Heisey – goblets and plates, vintage cameras, cookbooks, Holt and Tuscaloosa high items including 1940’s football programs, car tag, Ala. football items, 1957 license plate with frame, mahogany rocking chair, vintage watches, Military items, garden supplies, CDs, Dvds, Vhs tapes, mahogany dumb waiter,  cedar chest, post cards, Coke, Pepsi, Shawnee cookie jar, vintage toys 1920’s – 1960’s,  jewelry, paper, vintage telephone, shop supplies, caning jars, tv.,
Scanner, old recipes, crystal, baking pans, vintage hats, lamps, garden supplies, magazines, yard items, vintage games, collectibles, farm stuff, depression glass, pressed glass, prints, folding chairs, depression cottage table and chairs, old foundry items, old glass oil bottle with spout, oak swing with frame, collection of native American Indian figures by different artist, set of stainless flatware in box, early McDonalds collectibles,
Vintage quilts, marbles, hardware, vintage radio, bottles, stemware, Haviland china, 1950’s wheat china,  Tuscaloosa Bottling Works opener, Golden Flake jar, enamelware, sewing items, cast iron pots pans, cast iron spaniel nut cracker, flower pots., old Paper Mill news bag magazines, Central Foundry pipeline magazines and other items, Alberta school annual, Fire King, more still unpacking…    
We hope to see you there!
Skyland Antiques 205-758-8900
Sherry Champion 205-310-2550
Paul Meadows 205-246-9306

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