Howdy, everybody. I don't have a real article prepared for today, but I have not been idle. In fact, I've been working for two solid days examining an old map of Tuscaloosa and trying to figure out where historical buildings were located in relation to modern landmarks.
It sounds easier than it actually turned out to be. None of the streets have the same name and don't always line up with modern streets. The only readable copy of the map I found is very difficult to zoom in on and determine scale. I can't even follow the contours of the Black Warrior River because the map was made before the river was dammed, so the shoreline is different.
And nothing is labeled, so I have to try to identify buildings by a century-old pen and ink drawing. Any rational person would give up, especially someone whose spatial reasoning skills are as lousy as mine, but I'll be damned if I don't figure it out now.
Anyway, all this to say I'm working on something that I think is really cool. I'm paying a visit to the library tomorrow to do a little research. Hopefully I'll be able to deliver a really great post tomorrow.
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