06 July 2011

In their own words...

I have a feeling I've already expressed my love of old magazines to all of y'all, but in case I haven't, I will again. Old books are really cool, but they're made to last. Magazines are supposed to be read and discarded. They're not timeless, they are of the moment, so I can think of nothing better to offer a glimpse into everyday life than an old magazine. That's why one of my favorite ever antique finds is a copy of "Walker's Hibernian Magazine," from February 1806. I paid five dollars for it I'm fascinated by it. It's from Dublin and in pretty good condition considering it's two hundred years old. All the pages are there and in one piece; the only thing missing is the cover. I can't help but wonder how it managed to make it all the way to Tuscaloosa. In all the research I've done on it, it seems to be quite rare. I've not been able to find another copy of this issue anywhere online or in the archives of any library I've checked. I'm not saying I have the only copy of it, but I don't want to take that chance. Paper doesn't last forever, and once a resource disappears, all the information it has to offer is gone forever. 

Anyway, I plan to transcribe this information on the blog from time to time. Believe it or not, there's actually some fascinating things in here.

Here's a table of contents, but I won't go in order. I'll share the most interesting parts first.
  • Interesting Account of Alexander the First, Emperor of Russia.
  • Account of the late Sir Robert Kingsmill, Bart. Admiral of the Red.
  • A Splendid Masonic Procession, and Presentation of two elegant Vases to Lieut. Gen. Sir J. Doyle, Bart. K.C.
  • Account of the Procession and Ceremonies observed in the Funeral of Lord Nelson.
  • London Fashionable Full Dresses
  • Parisian Fashions
  • Chronological Table of Remarkable Occurrences in the Year 1805.
  • A Noon Tide Walk in December. By J.M.L.
  • A Noon Tide Walk in January. By the same.
  • Alas! Poor Nelson!
  • Population of Dublin.
  • Similarity of Handwriting. Allusive to the recent Trial of Judge Johnson. From "Historical and Philosophical Questions and Answers," lately published in London.
  • On the ill Effects which may proceed from Rocking Children to Sleep.
  • Heroic Integrity. An Anecdote.
  • For the Hibernian Magazine. On Humiliation, and the Season of Lent.
  • British Theatrical Journal.
  • The Irish Stage. To the Printer of the Hibernian Magazine.
  • City of Dublin. Its Prosperity Since the Act of Union.
  • Mr. Fox's Inscription on the late Bishop of Down's Monument.
  • House of Lords.
  • House of Commons.
  • Original and Select Poetry.
  • State of Public Affairs.
  • The Armistice concluded between their Majesties the Emperors of the French and Austria.
  • America.
  • British Empire.
  • London.
  • New Administration.
  • Dublin, Jan. 1, 1806.
  • Births.
  • Marriages.
  • Deaths.
I won't stop posting other stuff, but I just wanted to introduce the source one time, and not before each transcription.


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