Anyway, I plan to transcribe this information on the blog from time to time. Believe it or not, there's actually some fascinating things in here.
Here's a table of contents, but I won't go in order. I'll share the most interesting parts first.
- Interesting Account of Alexander the First, Emperor of Russia.
- Account of the late Sir Robert Kingsmill, Bart. Admiral of the Red.
- A Splendid Masonic Procession, and Presentation of two elegant Vases to Lieut. Gen. Sir J. Doyle, Bart. K.C.
- Account of the Procession and Ceremonies observed in the Funeral of Lord Nelson.
- London Fashionable Full Dresses
- Parisian Fashions
- Chronological Table of Remarkable Occurrences in the Year 1805.
- A Noon Tide Walk in December. By J.M.L.
- A Noon Tide Walk in January. By the same.
- Alas! Poor Nelson!
- Population of Dublin.
- Similarity of Handwriting. Allusive to the recent Trial of Judge Johnson. From "Historical and Philosophical Questions and Answers," lately published in London.
- On the ill Effects which may proceed from Rocking Children to Sleep.
- Heroic Integrity. An Anecdote.
- For the Hibernian Magazine. On Humiliation, and the Season of Lent.
- British Theatrical Journal.
- The Irish Stage. To the Printer of the Hibernian Magazine.
- City of Dublin. Its Prosperity Since the Act of Union.
- Mr. Fox's Inscription on the late Bishop of Down's Monument.
- House of Lords.
- House of Commons.
- Original and Select Poetry.
- State of Public Affairs.
- The Armistice concluded between their Majesties the Emperors of the French and Austria.
- America.
- British Empire.
- London.
- New Administration.
- Dublin, Jan. 1, 1806.
- Births.
- Marriages.
- Deaths.
I won't stop posting other stuff, but I just wanted to introduce the source one time, and not before each transcription.
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